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All Yarstroi products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Yarstroi: vibrators for concrete, flexible shafts, vibrating tables, step-down transformers, vibrators, vibrating plates, vibrating pads, vibrating screens, vibrating tips, deep vibrators with a flexible shaft, electric drives
  • Vibrators for concrete Yarstroi
    Vibrators for concrete
    VI-98 B-380 and others.
  • Flexible shafts Yarstroi
    Flexible shafts
    VS-350, EV-260, etc.
  • Vibrating tables Yarstroi
    Vibrating tables
    EMU-7, EMU-8, etc.
  • Step-down transformers Yarstroi
    Step-down transformers
    TSZI-2.5, TSZI-4.0, etc.
  • Vibrating screens Yarstroi
    Vibrating screens
    BP 3-5.5/220V, BP 3-5.5/42, etc.
  • Vibrating plates Yarstroi
    Vibrating plates
    EVP-1-055 and others.
  • Vibration platforms Yarstroi
    Vibration platforms
    SMJ-539 and others.
  • Vibrating screen Yarstroi
    Vibrating screen
    VS-3 and others.
  • Vibration tips Yarstroi
    Vibration tips
    VI-113, VI-116, etc.
  • Deep vibrators with a flexible shaft Yarstroi
    Deep vibrators with a flexible shaft
    VI-75, VI-75-3/220, etc.
  • Electric drives Yarstroi
    Electric drives
    VI-1-17-3 220 and others .


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